


12746490_943078709061903_2000027858_nHi and welcome to my site! I am a mother, wife, veteran, and quite a few other things.  I just moved with my family to Wichita Falls from Japan, and we are still settling into life in the United States.  

I’m a writer, I’ve wanted to write since I was young and now its what I work on all the time.  I work on base, I own a small business, and I write.  Before any of that I’m a mother of a beautiful, baby girl and have two awesome dogs.  

I hope that we can all get to know each other around my virtual ‘coffee machine.’

I Grew Up. Now What?


Like every other kid, I had a few ideas about what I wanted to be when I grew up.  One in particular came after watching Star Wars and Space Camp and that was being an astronaut.  (If you have never seen Space Camp, please pause here and go find it on iTunes.  We’ll wait till you come back.)

I thought the idea of blasting off into a place where few people have ever been was THE COOLEST thing in the world.  This dream lasted only as long as it took for me to discover that one of the things that you need to know to be an astronaut is math….and this is where my space dreams died.


It was when I was in middle school that writing began to appeal to me.  Mostly because I would journal, everyday.  I liked writing short stories or little poems and sketches that struck my fancy and it was something that came easily; mostly because I think it was something I never gave any serious consideration to.  When I had the opportunity to discuss possible career options in school, writing was not even a possibility.  And maybe that was done because the success margin in this career field is very slim.  Who knows?

But my next choices in life came because I never put too much energy into planning my future.  In fact, I used to resent the kids in school who already had colleges and careers picked out like they were following a very detailed road map.  A road map that I somehow couldn’t find.  That kind of clarity is something that I still struggle with as an adult.

But writing keeps me sane. (This is kind of funny because it also drives me insane – ha!)  Writing has always been my escape and it makes me happy.  I keep writing for these very reasons, even if I’m not a New York Times Bestselling Author right now.

I love talking to people who have discovered their professional passion and are working in their dream job.  Do you know anyone like that?  How about you?  Are you working in your dream job?

Breaking Bad Habits – Let’s start with poop

Our family recently adopted a rescued Chihuahua.  So, to date, we have one German Shepard Dog, one rescued Border Collie, and now to our pack we have added the most mellow Chihuahua that I have ever seen in my life.  She’s roughly two years old and would prefer to sleep on your lap all day long. (You should see some of the ugly looks I get in the evenings when I get up; it’s like I’ve ruined her day.)  She’s a sweet girl, but what’s really driving me up the wall is that she’s pretty stubborn and has developed this habit of not wanting to poop outside, she prefers the clean floors of my daughter’s bathroom for that.


I can’t explain it – we’ve had her for a few months, but this is something new.  I feel like I’m having to start all over with potty training her and I can’t put my finger exactly on why she would revert to this behavior after having her act “normal for months.”  We are kennel training her and hopefully will make some progress soon, but man, when it comes to poop, this girl is stubborn.

In either case, while observing my stubborn puppy one morning, I got to thinking about other bad habits that are in my house right now that are hard to break…for me, not necessarily bad, but distracting, first thing in the morning, I’m on Facebook and Twitter, catching up on the social media world.  (Does anyone else do this?)  The next thing I know, I’m looking up at the clock and it’s after ten, and I’ve wasted half my morning getting sucked into that black hole.  How did that happen? (It’s even worse when I’m on Etsy or Pinterest.)


So now, I’ve got to have a timer next to me while I’m on the computer.  It makes me laugh a little at myself, because I remember when I was a little girl and the internet first came out, we had to use a timer to make sure we didn’t stay on too long.  Not for wasting time, but because it cost so much money. (I’m probably showing my age here, but oh well.)  But, here I am, with the timer on my smart phone set, every morning with my coffee, cruising the net world.

What about you?  Do you have any “bad habits”?  Anything that you would like to change?

Before Coffee Mistakes, Part 1

Happy July everyone!  June certainly flew by didn’t it?  Have you started vacationing yet?  I had a short family vacation last month (up in Illinois and Tennessee – a first for me, I had never been to Tennessee before), but I think I’m about done for the summer.

After the long drive back home to Florida, I was in the shower and trying to remember everything that needed to get done around the house.  Once my brain starts on this path (and it usually does right before I go to bed), it’s difficult to turn off, but it got me thinking about all the funny “mistakes” I’ve made before having coffee in the morning.

Thus, for our funny theme for the month of July, I thought we could discuss the mistakes we all make (I hope I’m not alone here) before we’ve had our shot of morning caffeine.  I hope you enjoy!

  1. Normal conversation.

This is a big one and the first that comes to mind.  I suppose this should have been obvious, but since I work from home now, I’ve had to remind myself of this a few times.  When I was working outside the house, it was my usual routine to have a cup or two of coffee before I went to work, thus enabling my patience factor when I’m slammed with numerous emails and phone calls when I walked in the door.  Makes sense, right?

had coffee

Well, now that I can stumble into my office wearing my PJs in the morning, it was funny how I had to remind myself of this.  Thankfully, I was on the phone with my mother at the time this became an issue and not a client or agent, (and thank you mom for your patience with me), otherwise that might have been awkward.

Mom on the phone:  What’s your plan today, sweetie?

Me: Grumble grumble,…blah, grumble

It was almost like a scene from one of those Snicker commercials, except in this one the guy would hand Ms. Monroe a cup of coffee instead of chocolate.  In extreme cases, it is my recommendation when facing a monster like me in the morning, combine chocolate and coffee – can’t hurt.

So now we know, and realizing that before I’ve had my coffee in the morning is not the best time to discuss anything other than finding the creamer or telling me you love me.  *giggles*

How about you?  Are you a coffee or tea drinker who needs their fix before being required to adult?


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