Homeschool Summer Planning

Homeschool Summer Planning

This time of year in my homeschool family, I start to get excited and worried about making changes in our curriculum and also making the decision of whether or not to homeschool thru the summer.

There are SO MANY homeschool curriculum choices and they can honestly get very overwhelming – even for someone who’s been homeschooling for a few years.  This year we are looking at a combination/blend of Charlotte Mason, Thomas Jefferson Education, and Sonlight.  It’s an interesting mix for sure, but instead of going with just one, I figured that I needed more stress this coming year and decided to try them all. (*head desk)

Really, it came down to what I wanted to add and wanted to change about any one particular curriculum and making that work for my daughter who is a visual and kinesthetic learner.  I also wanted to try a different method of portfolio building and tracking; so we are going to see how this goes.

For those that don’t want to spend a lot of money on brand new, but still would like to have that “all in one” satisfaction from a box curriculum, check out local Homeschool Groups curriculum sales – this is the time of year that a lot families go through and decide what they want to keep and what they want to get rid of.  It’s an excellent time to find some great bargains!

As far as schooling thru the summer, I think that we’ve decided that keeping a loose schedule is better for us so while we won’t be as intense with our curriculum, we will still be practicing a little every day.

What about your family?  What are your summer plans?  Are you looking to change your curriculum choice this year? Are you considering homeschooling?

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