A Plan for May
I had a successful April and coming down from that I was determined to keep my momentum going during the month of May, so I devised my own challenges. I’m going to be writing everyday (except Sundays – everyone needs a day off), with the hope that by the end of the month I have a novella put together that I can self-publish! I will be posting “sneak peeks” every Friday, so you can see what I’m working on and hopefully let me know how you like it.
I will also be participating in a writing class online, shopping an article for a magazine (I am going to be published this coming July in Military Spouse magazine *woohoo*), and I have submitted to a writing competition called the California Hooker Contest. (The contest judges a the first few pages of your novel to see if you have been able to “hook” a reader.)

So, all in all, May promises to be pretty busy! I’m going to let you know how my writing is going during the month on my Friday posts, but you can also follow me on Instagram (Grabnern) to see where I’m drawing inspiration.
I’ll also be posting on Wednesdays to talk about BOOKS! (You knew that was coming, right?) I LOVE books; this cannot be said enough and so every Wednesday, I’ll share a little bit about what I’m reading and hopefully you will share as well. 🙂 (For a list of some of the previous books that I’ve read, you can also follow me on Goodreads.)
So, wish me luck as I embark on this crazy month, and I hope that you have fun with me on this journey! What about you? What are your plans for May?
9 thoughts on “A Plan for May”
I’m looking forward to reading your posts! Are you going to self-publish? I haven’t yet decided whether I will self-publish or seek out a literary agent. I’ve read that it’s super hard to find one with non-fiction, and you have to have an online platform of several thousand followers, so, yep, I’ve got quite some work to do. Good thing I’m not even close to finishing my book, yet. Keep me updated!
I’m going to self-publish the novella, but am considering looking for an agent for the trilogy that follows. Haven’t decided yet, but will keep you posted about my progress. What’s your book about?
Do you pre-approve your comments, or is my laptop going haywire again?
Congratulations on finishing the A to Z challenge!
Also, that is a fantastic idea to keep on writing every day except Sunday. I’m trying to do that too!
Could I ask what online writing class you are taking part in? I’m looking for one too but not sure what is good.
I’m taking a novella class with From the Heart Romance Writers (an online chapter of RWA). I love workshops with RWA chapters because they are wonderfully organized and affordable. Are you an RWA member?
Did you get my link to the RWA class?
You are so creative and ambitious–congratulations on being published soon!
Thank you! I’m really excited! I’m waiting for your big news as well! 🙂
Thank you! I really appreciate your support!