Back in NaNo
Gearing up for NaNoWriMo 2015 – who else is with me? This year has been a bit nutty, but I’m doing my best to walk away from the excuses and get right back down to business. I’ve got some guest blogging gearing up (with maybe a New York Times Bestseller – *squeel!*), and many others, so I’ve got to get this blogging thing together. I swear, I don’t know how everyone else does it.
For the next little bit, my focus might seem a bit scattered, but I’m going where my interests lie and like a friend says, my mind is like an internet browser with multiple tabs open. 🙂 (Imagine fifty or more tabs.)
So, with that thought in mind, is there anything in particular you would like to talk about? Anything super new with you this year?
2 thoughts on “Back in NaNo”
I’m iiiiiiin NaNo buddy!! Let’s talk about the joy & despair of 50,000 words in 30 days 😀
I’m prepared for despair – bring on the joy! 🙂